INSITUS FISH protocols and other information

The following protocols or technical information are available upon request by e-mail. Check the box you wish to receive, and fill out your business address.  These documents are in pdf format. If you do not have a copy of Acrobat Reader,you can download it by clicking this Adobe icon).

Check Box Subject Title
2024 PriceList (2024 PriceList.pdf)
DenHyb Solutions for Cell and Tissue FISH   (Flier_DenHyb.pdf)
Tissue Pre-Conditioner as an Unmasking Reagent for Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Slides   (Flier_PC.pdf)
Tissue FISH on Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Slides with Pre-Conditioner and Xylene   ( Flier_tFISH_PC.pdf)
SkipDewax as a Dewaxing/Unmasking Reagent for Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Slides   ( Flier_SD.pdf)
Tissue FISH on Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Slides with SkipDewax (without dewaxing with xylene)   (Flier_tFISH_wsd.pdf)
Flowchart of tissue FISH and IHC pretreatment with SkipDewax or Pre-Conditioner   (Flier_tFISH Flowchart.pdf)
Manual Cell Chromosome FISH Procedure (without using Metal Slide Tray)  (ManCellFISH.pdf)
MetalTray Cell Chromosome FISH Procedure (with use of Metal Slide Tray)  (TrayCellFISH.pdf)
Use of 2-Well Slides for cell FISH   (2WellFISH.pdf)
FISH on Blood Smears   (BloodFISH.pdf)
Treatment Protocol for Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Slides with Pre-Conditioner (and Dewaxing with Xylene)  (PC Only.pdf)
Complete Pre-Treatment Protocol for Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Slides with Pre-Conditioner (and Dewaxing with Xylene) Including Proteolytic Digestion   (Xylene PC.pdf)
Treatment Protocol for Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Slides with SkipDewax   (SD Only.pdf)
Complete Pre-Treatment Protocol for Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Slides with SkipDewax Including Proteolytic Digestion   (Treat WSD.pdf)
Manual Tissue Chromosome FISH Procedure for Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Slides (without using Metal Slide Tray)   (ManTissFISH.pdf)
MetalTray Tissue Chromosome FISH Procedure for Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Sections (with use of Metal Slide Tray)   (TrayTissFISH.pdf)
Fluorguard antifading mounting medium, PI (in Fluorguard), and DAPI (in Fluorguard) (Fluorguard.pdf)

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